- The General Bastard Teaching Bloody Council of Scotland
Not to put too fine a point on it, they are a bunch of cunts. And not in a nice way. They are mendacious, inefficient and excessively bureaucratic cunts who once again have placed me on the register of teachers as a probationer - despite having completed registration in England and having taught in FE in Scotland for two years (alongside that wee matter of having taught in schools in Scotland too...) - Oh yes, and despite having had a long conversation with several staff outlining my situation and being reassured that I would "certainly" be allowed full registration. (And! And -without full reg, you can't get a permanent job... Thanks GTCS. Cunts.) - Washing Machine Woes
I've been playing at being Mrs Tiggywinkle and taking in washing for m'dear friend whose machine has bust. I actually quite like washing and drying stuff although I haven't gone as far as ironing - I'm not entirely mental - but I can be a mate in a time of need and not just a selfish and emotionally overbearing arsehole.
Unfortunately, yesterday my washing machine became poorly - it couldn't pump-out water and left clothes panicking, trapped inside. I panicked a little too - until I tried an experiment and checked the filter trap - where lurked a semi-digested sock. My flat suffered somewhat from my method of fixing it - once the sock was freed, the machine relieved itself all over the floor, flooding the flat. Nnnnnnnnggggg... - Weddings, Parties, Anything...
I've started -tentatively- to "date" someone I sort-of dated before (when things were beyond complicated and all went somewhat explosively tits up). Friends are not entirely approving to put it mildly (having said that, m'dear friend does accept that I will do what I do anyway and hopes -against hope, perhaps- that things will work out this time now that other complications are settled...M'dear friend has made clear her reservations and I appreciate both the tact and honesty she expressed ) and "time will tell..." It's early days...
Anyhow, to get back to the point, this weekend we are going to a wedding together - her best friend's wedding. The last wedding I went to was my own...
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago
All this time you could have been doing my washing and therefore rescuing my underwear from the scrutiny of my landlady!
*Thinks* Sending you some underwater in the post would be wrong on so many levels though...
It would be worse if it went missing in the mail.
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