I am sort-of a fan of Mozilla's Firefox browser: I like its tabbed browsing, its handy extensions, its cute furry logo ... er....
I am not so big a fan of how its Firefoxy gremlins manage to lose all your saved extensions data should, for completely-hypothetical-oh-yes example, your laptop become unplugged and lose power unexpectedly, crashing your machine and thus your open browser....
Now some of my handy tools (for cookie handling, log-ins and the like) have disappeared and I can't get them back!
Worse still, I can't actually remember some of my passwords.... (which shouldn't come as any surprise: I can't remember my mobile phone number either)
Which makes me wonder: are people's memories worsening these days, seeing as we have a plethora of technology to "do it for us" or is it just me showing the first signs of vCJD? *sigh*
(-back to the guesswork for me... Gah...)
I used to have all sorts of telephone numbers and passwords stored in my head and could reel them off no problem. But now with mobile phones meaning you don’t have to type in the number and having such a variety of passwords, both words and numeric, I struggle to remember what each is for- and writing them down kind of defeats the object.
The number I struggle with by far the most is my home phone number, but I guess as I never need to phone myself maybe that isn’t such a problem.
However, this does not necessarily mean that you are not showing signs of vCJD(I will resist making the obvious jokes), it just shows that I also have a bad memory.
Yes. As a child I knew the phone numbers of my nearest and dearest. Well, my best friends, anyway. I still remember their parent's numbers because I rang them a lot. Even though their parents moved and the phone numbers are no longer in use. The only useful number I know is my own home phone number. I don't know anyone's mobiles. I think mobile numbers are really hard to remember.
Or it could be that we're all vegetarians and not eating enough vitamin b12. Lack of that gives you memory problems.
Oh, and all those alcohol binges I went on when I was younger.
I think it's age. Soz to piss on your bonfire 'n all that. Cheer up though, it's not vCJD. Probably.
My memory is really bad. I forget all manner of useful things and then remember them the second I no longer need them.
oh i'm terrible too - i can nver remember anything...
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