Carol Ann Duffy: Rapture

I want to call you thou, the sound
of the shape of the start
of a kiss — like this, thou —
and to say, after, I love,
thou, I love, thou I love, not
I love you.

Because I so do —
as we say now — I want to say
thee, I adore, I adore thee,
and to know in my lips
the syntax of love resides,
and to gaze in thine eyes.

Love’s language starts, stops, starts;
the right words flowing or clotting in the heart

Don’t spend too long wondering if a hardback is just “too expensive”, or that you aren’t sure whether or not you “like” poetry. Just buy this book – and fall in love with words, love itself and Carol Ann Duffy…


Anonymous said...

I couldn’t agree more. Beautifully juicy poems to fall head over heels in love with. I am smitten.

C'lam said...

i love the warming the pearls one, its sooooooo good.