Hmm. Well, I survived.
Actually, I was so well prepared I think I surprised her, and thus defused her ire somewhat (nothing more irritating than someone actually having reasonable answers to every accusation you can level, is there?)I even got to throw in a few barbed comments of my own.
The downside however is that I was have been so worked-up and adrenaline fuelled that last night I barely slept (and when I did, I was troubled by some very unsettling dreams...)which means that today I am... jumpy.
-I still reckon I've got it coming to me at some point, so I'll take heed of the words of Ani DiFranco, "smile pretty and watch your back"...
Well done, Calamity. But yeah, watch your back.
do you think she will keep being a bit of a cow then?
-That would be insulting to the noble bovine species, I would say... (so, yes. Bah)
D`oh. Just read this post.
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