Jodie Foster was easily my first proper crush. Whether it was from seeing her first in"Freaky Friday" or "Bugsy Malone" I can't remember, but Jodie has been tattooed on my lesbian heart for years. She was even, in a roundabout way, my excuse for liking the works of Stephen Sondheim (althoughI don't advocate attempted assassination as a means of attracting the attentions of anyone, frankly... )
Growing sophisticated and blasé over the years, I had dismissed my crush on Ms Foster as being little more than a dykey "rite of passage" - much like the listening to kd lang CDs/playing pool/pretending to find Rhona Cameron funny. Oh, how wrong I was...
I've just seen Flightplan (or Panic Room in the sky, as I prefer to think of it...) and my lust for the dimunitive Oscar-polisher has been thoroughly rekindled: all that athletic searching, relentless singlemindedness and close-ups of wriggling through confined spaces has made me come over all peculiar... She even wears a graze beautifully... Where was I? Oh yes...
The film itself is OK, albeit so utterly contrived that the suspension of disbelief is nigh on impossible in parts ( & Sean Bean pretending to be "posh" is particularly funny!) but Jodie? *quiver* oh, she's something else - and thoroughly wasted in such tosh. I really do wish she'd make better movies (and get her kit off in them, naturally) *sigh*
I'm now fearful that my other teenage crushes might be re-awakened: I'm not sure I'm ready to lust over the memory of Lindsay Wagner -well, not without building up some stamina first: she was bionic, after all...
oohhh.. Lindsay wagner.. *dribble* I think if anything she has got better with age.. I recall her looking particularly foxy in the utterly fantistic Bionic Girl film thing with Sandra Bullock back in the 90s..
i was obsessed with freaky friday when i was younger.
but Drew Barrymore was my first proper girl crush.
dear god yes it is good to know I am not alone.
Oddly enough I had a major crush on the woman with the flick hairdo off the Love boat...sorry forgotten her name (my fickle heart).
*sniggers at the 'pretending to find Rhona Cameron funny' line*
Oh god yes, thank you! "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore". "Freaky Friday". I had a crush on Jodie long before I knew what a crush was.
...OK HAVE a crush on her.
Suzi Quatro as Leather Tuscadero on Happy Days. My oh my......
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