Honestly, I'm fine.
(I've got my own Christmas grumbles but, much like the Christmas turkey, they'll stew and stew and be served up ad infinitum at a later date...)
But not everyone has problems that can be talked over with friends, family, partners....
Sometimes you just don't want to bother them, even if you do. Sometimes things are just desperate - and the period between Christmas and New Year can seem bleakest of all.
So, The Samaritans really can help. Even if it's just a friendly voice. Even if you don't think anyone can help.
I know.
A few Christmases ago, they helped me...
The Samaritans are for life, not just for Christmas.
Hope it wasn't a too very bad Christmas.
i try to get my client to see the amaritans as an option... they really help ome folk.
hope this xmas is better than all that.
Hat, metaphorically, tipped.
Like you, the Scottish Top 100 comments box of my blog listing has been inundated with negative comments. I did a little research and saw that all the blogs on this list were getting this sort of comment spam... all except Shuggy's Blogspot and Freedom and Whiskey... when I then commented on this in all the other blogs, the comments miraculously disappeared overnight (how this happened I don't know). Then, in the spirit of empiricism I left some scathing comments in both Shuggy's Blogspot and Freedom and Whiskey's, and guess what? These negative comments also disappeared. Something very fucking fishy is going on, eh?
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