(A brief return) Our Very Furry Baby

OK - in short...
  1. Theo: increasingly/consistently lovely
  2. Job: challenging
  3. Trauma: recovering *I broke my ankle - ironically, on my way to accompany Theo to an emergency visit to the hospital... it's getting better, but I'm still walking with a limp...
  4. Furry Baby: adorable
I am a very proud parent, apparently. I look extraordinarily pleased when she eats veg or hay. She's fearless, too- unphased by cats, loud noises, anything at all, really. And she doesn't shit all over the place, either... and just like her mummies, she is a born rug-muncher (admittedly, the furry one prefers the woolly things from IKEA, but all the same... )

I wasn't sure I was responsible enough to be a parent... I'm still not sure, but bless her little furry trousers and shoes, she makes me responsible, dammit!

If you are lucky, you might get an update pic from time to time. If you are unlucky, you might just get a wee whinge about work from me...

[Not sure about a regular return to blogging - I'm busy, maybe in another period of transition, maybe just busy...and no, I'm not being needlessly enigmatic, just playing my cards close to my chest...]


Anonymous said...

ooh too cute!

Anonymous said...

So cute !

mc said...

you're back, yay!