Oh well. Just as I'm settling in to my new job, I get the elbow.
Not because I've done anything wrong, I might add - merely because the person I was covering for (who the department seemed to think would be away for "quite some time to come") has decided to return to work. As much as I am glad that someone who has been somewhat ill is now returning to health, I am more than a bit disappointed that I haven't been given the opportunity to show what I can do -and the money would have been nice, too... I was starting to get to know my students, even like them - it's never a waste of time to meet new people, and meeting new students is always a good thing - and was making decent alliances with new colleagues. *sigh* Anyhow, it's back to the employment hunting drawing board for me. Bugger.
I was going to write about how if you are over a size 20 it is nearly impossible to get a non-girly-girly warm winter coat, the ridiculousness of bra sizes and the irritation of shopping for necessary items near Christmas - but I'm too bummed-out today to really focus on it. It'll pass, but it's a dark rainy cloud and I feel like curling up on the sofa, hugging myself and drinking tea...
Otherwise, life continues to be filled with pleasant surprises; Theo and I continue to get to know each other better (yesterday's baking effort: a chocolate cake...) and are making plans to visit one of her friends in December; Scotmid has a 2 for a fiver special offer on washing liquid; my piercing is healing pleasingly painlessly... even my shower is behaving itself. Present inconveniences aside, life is good - and I need to keep remembering that.
Great Expectations
16 hours ago
Hi there.
I was browsing British Blogs and having a mental age of 7 your shit fountain caught my eye. Sorry to hear about how things panned out in your job but killing myself laughing at how things panned out in that fountain.
Good job I wasn't eating a Curly Wurly while perusing your blog, Missy. Actually, I fucking hate Curly Wurlys. They're such hard work.
I like you, I do.
Didn't know about you till tonight. Had a nose around. Nice work.
Inspired me to a not-that-original 'Gripes of Roth' pun...which I should keep to myself.
Used to live in Edinburgh, n'all.
Anyway, nice work. Carry on. x
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